Sunday, August 3, 2008

What the...?

Edulection is a collection of New Zealanders who care about politics. Our main aim is to try and get other people to care enough to actually know why they’re voting for whoever they decide to tick.

Edulection has been started by Holly and Kat, two Kiwi bloggers who are frustrated with people who tell us they're voting for John Key because he's "cute" or for National because they "don't want to vote for the losers". If you want to vote for National, that's fine, but we'd prefer to hear considered, rational decisions from our friends. This is our world, our country and we think it's a decision which everyone should take seriously.

We have our own political opinions which we express on our personal blogs but we want to provide a neutral, easy-to-understand platform for the average Kiwi to learn about what they're really voting for. This is what Edulection is all about. An estimated 2 million Kiwis are online (Source: NZHerald) so we think it's a great way to try.

We aim to make sure you know why you're choosing to vote for a political party. The idea is you can look at things that are important to you (creative industries, the environment, health, education, business, the economy etc) and get an easy-to-understand overview of each party's policies and election pledges for the 2008 General Election. We don't care who you vote for, we just want to make sure you know why you're doing it.

If you have a topic you’d like to write about, contact us, we’re always looking for more contributors. We have a list of requirements but we want as many policies as possible to be covered meaning if it’s important to you, it’s important to us.

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