Friday, September 12, 2008

Election Announced!

Helen Clark has finally called the election and the date is November 8.

First of all you should head on over to and make sure you're enrolled to vote.

Then you should check out the posts we've already published and get educated on the 2008 New Zealand general election. We've already covered plenty of subjects: Anti-Smacking Bill, Civil Unions, Climate Change, Conservation, Early Childhood Education, Energy, Herceptin, Illegal Drugs, Nuclear-Free Status and Trains and Rail and we have plenty more to come! In the works we have posts on Internet & Technology, Violent Crime, Immigration, Primary Education and Secondary Education.

If you'd like to contribute to the Edulection project you can email us here and let us know what you'd like to write about or, if you just want to keep up to date with what we're reporting on you can subscribe to our RSS.

Finally, if you haven't done so this week, vote in our poll and tell us who you plan to vote for in this year's general election on November 8!

Thanks for reading and don't forget to tell your friends - if you know Kiwi's overseas who don't know who they're voting for this is a great place for them to get up-to-date on the current election issues in a fair and balanced way without having to sort through all the namecalling that goes on in the Beehive these days.

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