Saturday, September 8, 2007

Polling Booth

First off - apologies for the lack of content last week. We try and update once every two days but other commitments mean this sometimes doesn't happen like we would hope. Each entry needs to be researched, referenced and edited and this takes time. Ideally we'd simply like more writers - you don't have to contribute regularly, if there's only one issue you'd like to cover than we'd happily take a single submission. Anyone wanting to write for Edulection in order to make sure the issues of the 2008 New Zealand General Election are covered can email us and say hi. We'd love to have you on board.

Last week Holly contributed her first post on Early Childhood Education with a promise to follow up with primary and secondary education in the near future. We've got another writer in the works and hopefully I'll finally get a piece up about Climate Change this week too.

The EdulectionElection went well this week with a higher-than-average respondent rate (but still hardly statistically significant). A new poll has been started so please vote and let us know who you plan to vote for. We use this poll to judge who's reading our stuff. We're a little worried about how many of our readers swing to the left - where are all the righties?

This week's poll certainly showed more diversity than the previous polls which was awesome too.

1 comment:

Andy said...

Sigh... seriously, I wouldn't bother doing pictures for your polls unless you're getting a decent number of votes.