Tuesday, October 7, 2008

More Election Forums

Thanks to one of our readers we have information on three more election forums coming up in the next two weeks. Details are below but if you have any information on election forums please let us know by emailing us.

We also want to run a section called "why I will vote for..." where supporters of particular parties explain their reasons for voting for their particular party. To do this we'd like a wide selection of party supporters - particularly supporters of National, ACT, NZ First, Progressive, United Future or the Maori Party but we'll absolutely take submissions on Labour, the Greens and other parties as well. If you're interested in writing one of these posts we have just three guidelines -
  1. Please keep it to the issues, we try and avoid the mudslinging that turns so many people off politics
  2. Keep it below 1000 words
  3. All facts and policies must be referenced
If you're interested, please email us and let us know. We will run all submissions that comply with the above guidelines.

Oxfam NZ Election Forums Coming Up...
  • Tackling Climate Poverty will be on Monday, October the 13th from 6 -7 pm in Auckland. Confirmed speakers are Nick Smith of National, Jeanette Fitzsimons of the Greens, Kath McCabe of ACT and Minister David Parker of Labour. It will be held at the Auckland University of Technology, Wellesley Street East, Lecture room WA 220, WA building.
  • Make Trade Fair will be on Tuesday, October the 14th from 5:30– 6:30pm in Wellington. Confirmed speakers are Minister Phil Goff of Labour, Tim Groser of National and Ken Graham of the Greens. The venue is Lecture Room GBLT2, Government Buildings, Pipitea Campus, 15 Lambton Quay, Victoria University.
  • Ending Global Poverty and Building a Safer World will be on Tuesday, October 21 from7 - 8pm in Auckland. It will be moderated by Bill Ralston and confirmed speakers are Minister Phil Goff of Labour, Keith Locke for the Greens and Kath McCabe of ACT with a National speaker to be confirmed. The venue is lecture room WA 220, WA building AUT, Wellesley Street East.
Thanks to Kay Jones for the heads up. Holly and I are working on posts to go up this week so stay tuned.

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