Sunday, October 5, 2008

Polling Booth

You may have noticed Edulection has been quiet of late - unfortunately life gets in the way and as each post takes a lot of research and therefore time, it's hard to keep up the volume we really need to get enough topics covered.

That's where you come in. Time is running out until the election and there are many, many issues that desperately need covering here. To do this we need your help. A post can realistically be written in 5 or 6 hours - which can be spread over as long as you'd like. If you really want to learn about a particular issue and we don't have it here, consider writing for us. Whenever we write a post we learn so much more than what we post here. We are becoming really quite educated on many topics through doing our research and that means we will be voting in a more educated, balanced way.

Coming up, we can expect Labour to start releasing their policy and as time drags on that's likely to be quite an avalanche. Ideally we'd like to be posting daily in the last couple of weeks which means there is plenty of time for you to write an article. If you're interested please email us and let us know what you'd like to write about.

Coming up this week there is a forum on lesbian affairs being held by the Auckland Lesbian Business Association featuring representatives from Labour, National and the Greens. It's this Wednesday, 8 October at the Purple Bar on the corner of Pitt St and K Rd, Auckland. Doors open at 6 with the forum starting at 6.30pm sharp. For more info check out this page.

There will also be a debate at the Auckland University campus on Monday 13 October starting at 6pm and featuring Judith Tizard of Labour, Nikki Kaye of National, Aaron Galey-Young of United Future, Denise Roche of Greens and Oliver Woods of RAM. For more info check out the event's Facebook page.

Also please don't forget that Wednesday 8 October is the last day you can enrol to vote. If you haven't enrolled (or you're not sure if you are enrolled) just head over to the elections website and get yourself sorted out!

If you know of any upcoming events, please email us and let us know.

You'll notice that our regular EdulectionElection poll is up - once again we invite you to tell us who you plan to vote for. If you're reading this in RSS, please come visit the site and have your say.

With luck we'll have some posts this week. Again, please consider writing a post for us. We know you're probably busy but if you're here you probably care about the issues and there's a chance you care about educating people about them. Everyone has things that are especially important to them that they'd like to let others know about and I'm shamelessly begging for your help.

Finally if you have a question you'd like to put directly to Helen Clark or John Key then the video below explains exactly how you can do that.

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